******A Veteran - whether active duty, discharged, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America," for an amount of "up to and including my life." - (anonymous)******

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SBP and DIC Offset

20 December 2011

I just got a letter from Senator Dean Heller where I ask him to support S. 160 which will repeal certain provisions which require the offset.  The legislation has been referred to the Senate Armed Services Committee, where it awaits further action.  Senator Heller assures me he will continue working with his colleagues to pass this important legislation.


Retired Pay and Tricare Costs

19 December 2011

It appears there will be an increase of 1.6% in Retired pay on 1 January 2012.  Provided the president signs the bill, it has passed both houses.

Also, Tricare costs will be pegged to Cost of Living Increases for Tricare Recipitants.  These changes are also tied to the Defense Appropriations Bill sent to the President for signature.


VA Disability

05 December 2011

The latest information we have is there are 898.000 application pending at the VA.  This is down from 1.5 million a year ago.  We have to remember there are approximately 1 million Army and another million in the other combined services for a total active duty of about 2 million.  Most are on a 3 year hitch, that means approximately 55,000 in and discharged each month or 666,000 a year.  Not all of these people will submit an application for Disability but it looks like 10% are.  That means about 5,500 a month or 66,000 a year.

Its going to take a while for the VA to Catch up at this rate.  They are shooting for a 125 day turn around on an application.  We want to wish them Luck and hope for the best.


Military Health Care Information

LTC Judith Schill USAR (Ret) has provided a helpful web site:  that is published by Department of Defense, so its an official web site.  Lots of medical information there about TRICARE and other services we use. 


Online DD Form 214's

02 December 2011

Current Information Regarding DD-214's

Please pass on to other vets.  It's official:  DD-214 discharge papers are
NOW ONLINE.  The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has
provided the following website for veterans to gain access to
their DD-214s online:

This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy
of his/her DD-214 for employment purposes.  NPRC is working
to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet
access to obtain copies of documents from their military files.
Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military
members may now use a new online military personnel records
system to request documents.
Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete
the Standard Form 180, which can be downloaded from the
online web site. Because the requester will be asked to supply
all information essential for NPRC to process the request,
delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans
for additional information will be minimized.  The new web-based
application was designed to provide better service on these
requests by eliminating the records centers mailroom and
processing time.
Please pass this information on to former military personnel you
may know and their dependents.





Applications are pending for over 12 months.

Everyone is aware of this problem. The VA and certainly the Veterans.

This is an outrage! Approximately 1/3 of the applications submitted are by Retired Military Personnel and therefore a problem to the Retired Military Councils.

The other 2/3 are Veterans that have served their country and deserve a decision.

Many have conditions that are aggravated by non treatment. We can do better.

The current omnibus bill, and especially the MILCON-VA provisions, covers a number of important priorities, including: $1.7 billion to allow VA to hire 1,200 additional claims processors to address the nearly 397,000 claims backlog.

(On January 20, 2010 the Federal Times reported the backlog at 489,345.)

This will require; first approval, then hiring, followed by training, and then they can start working on the problem! Looks like about 12 months before they start processing the actual applications. Our veterans deserve better treatment than this. We need to change the way the processing is accomplished.

One possible answer may be: take 200 military personnel clerks, 20 Personnel NCO’s and 5 Warrant Officers and take 95% of the pending applications and process them.

This is not rocket science, there is an established criteria to decide which applications get what percentage and it doesn't have to be done by VA Civilians. The VA may welcome the help. We realize the Active Army is stretched thin, but these veterans need help. This is not the only answer, but it is one solution.

GI BILL POST-9/11: Dependents.

This is the House of Representatives bill to adjust Educational Assistance for Retiree's.
H.R. 3577: Education Assistance to Realign New Eligibilities for Dependents (EARNED) Act of 2009 to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide authority for certain members of the Armed Forces who have served 20 years on active duty to transfer entitlement to Post-9/11 Educational Assistance to their dependents. Latest Major Action 9/24-2009 House committee subcommittee actions. Status:
Subcommittee Hearings Held.


Dental program for Emergency situations for Retiree’s could be initiated at the Installation or the VA level to solve only the emergency problems.


There is vision/eye coverage for Retirees who use Tricare for life thru NOSTRA, they an get glasses but the coverage does not cover the eye exam. This is provided by the Navy. See the handout for details. TRICARE Prime has coverage for both the exam and glasses every 2 years. Recommend equal coverage through out the Services.


Increase the pay for doctors who handle VA Cases or use Contract services to get the job done. We need to incentivize Doctor participation. The current level of waiting is not treating our former warriors with the respect they deserve. We have sent a letter to Dr Toppo for Input.


The phasing out of Social Security Numbers on ID Cards has begun and will be one solution to the problem of Identity Theft.

This problem was brought up by Col Rast (USMC Retired) of Amorgosa


Discussion revealed a consensus of opinion that Active duty combat tours are too many. We recommend 2 tours in a combat zone in a 7 year period for combat personnel and not more than 3 tours for combat support personnel in the same 7 years.

Discussion: There are 1.1 million personnel in the Army alone. The war has lasted 8 years, Some people are on their 5th tour. This is unprecedented in our history and certainly creates stress. If nation building is the goal, use the civilian agencies to build the new country such as Dept of Agriculture to teach crops, Dept of Education to establish schools etc. and leave the soldiers to provide security for the Americans, and put down insurrections. If we stop some of the Stress we may cut down on Suicide.


PTSD cases are now taking 4 months for an appointment in VA Clinics in rural areas. Recommend increasing the funding and/or contracting services from people that can help. Personnel who have PTSD may not have 4 months before they do something irrational. We can do better.



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